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Image by Luz Mendoza

Energy Wellness

What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is focused on bringing balance and improvement on all levels. When we are out of alignment in one area of our life the other areas of our well-being are influenced also. If we are overwhelmed, overworked, out of touch, and feeling depressed or anxious, we will begin to manifest imbalance on a physical level.


Who can benefit?

Everyone can benefit from Energy Healing. Whether you have been diagnosed with a physical disease or are experiencing physical discomfort, are struggling with mental or emotional difficulties, or are looking to bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, you can benefit from this service. Energy Healing opens you up to a deeper sense of ease, well-being, and purpose, and brings you back to your true self.


Energy Healing is supportive for patients in all phases of traditional medical care and treatment. It is

effective as an independent therapy and is also extremely successful as an adjunct therapy to traditional healthcare. 


How does it work?

Energy Healing is based on the understanding that the human energy field is a dynamic system of powerful influences, in a unique relationship to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our brain and nervous system communicate with our entire body through complex energetic pathways.


Energy Healing works within the chakras and beyond. It also focuses on the energy field that surrounds our bodies, organs, and individual cells. I address blockages and open the natural channels of our being at a high vibrational level, so the mind, body, and spirit are functioning together optimally. The body can then work to reverse dysfunction and disease through its natural ability to heal itself.

Benefits of energy healing


Your energetic body has a crucial role to play towards your wellbeing journey:


• Balance the body.

• Remove blockages.

• Promote flow throughout the body.

• Restore harmony and vitality.

• Heal pysical and emotional traumas.

Image by Christopher Campbell

Complements all types of healing


Combining holistic therapies, like Reiki Energy Healing, with conventional health treatments can help you optimize your health and wellbeing. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to healing. By combining various forms of healing modalities and therapies it can effectively support, balance, restore, cure and repair your body. 

Release and get in flow


Tasha Miles

Holistic Wellness Coach &               Reiki Practioner


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Disclaimer: I do not diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medicine. Reiki is a complementary therapy and is not meant to replace medical care. No Content on this Website should be interpreted as Medical Advice. I do not take insurance or bill insurance for you.

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